Looking for compassionate, equipped educators to join our team! Our School Family has part and full time positions open. Please stop by either campus to fill out a paper application.

Both Campuses will be sending off our graduates with a big celebration!
May 23rd, 2024
6:00 PM - Highland Park Community Church
Come celebrate with us!
Our preschoolers LOVED learning about the lifecycle of a caterpillar! From watching them in our classrooms as caterpillars, to resting in their cocoons, to sending them off into nature...they loved every minute of learning!
We have spots for school-age kiddos for our summer fun! Call today to make your child's reservation.
East Campus 337-1323
West Campus 234-4386
Our teachers were able to take an ALICE Active Shooter Training. We are thankful to learn more skills in keeping our School Family Safe!
Hours of Operation
• Mon-Fri: 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
• Sat & Sun: Closed
Drop in care offered based on availability.